Tuesday 31 January 2017

Day 36, 5 weeks in, I can feel the change

Blooming box sets, we avoided "The Fall" last night and watched "Fortitude" instead but my brain is clearly wanting to dump some sort of data, I have been having quite stressful vivid dreams on the content. Besides that my middle of the night waking has greatly reduced, with me waking mildly and not wide eyed fully awake.

Glucose:   4.6
Ketone:     2.0
Breakfast: Crackling, broth & butter
Lunch:       Pork belly, cabbage, cauliflower mash
Lunch 2:    Prawn and crab cocktail, M&S salad
Dinner:      Yogurt MCT, low carb granola, pork scratchings, peanut butter, raw coconut choc

Still a slightly sleepy start to the day but got on the bike again, it is certainly getting easier. I don't feel at peak fitness and to be fair I will have de-trained, but I don't feel pathetically unfit. I can certainly build from here and my recovery immediate, minutes after a push and overnight, from a fairly hard ride or series or ride, have both improved dramatically.

What have I seen in the last 5 weeks (10% of the year!!)? I have lost 7kg, become more positive, lost brain fog, stable glucose and ketone levels, controllable hunger, nearly got through my sleep issues and made very good progress on athletic adaptation. Everyone says it take 2-3 weeks to get into ketosis, 6-12 weeks to get adapted, why o why do we all question ourselves?

I think a week or so ago, when my ketones dipped, I think due to muscles starting to adapt, athletically this was a very challenging time. However this time, with greater experience, absolutely no sneaky carbs after rides and full blog audit I stayed strong and turned the corner more easily. I have previously tried to "tweak" with less carbs, timed carbs etc etc. Just respect the process takes time, and for me on I have been "lucky" or my body had not lost all my previous adaptation as the initial process has been much quicker.

I took my crackling into work and we spent all morning eating it, I then had my usual early lunch. I was for some reason still hungry so I had a second lunch. My ride home was pretty solid and I thought I would probably not have dinner. I then decided to have a snack which turned into 3, not balance and not good, it would have been better to have eaten a proper meal.

Monday 30 January 2017

Day 35, No Whine with wine!

Had a pretty stressful sleep and it was hard work to drag myself on the bike this morning but I was very glad I did. After the usual 15mins of unease I was encourage to follow, not draft, a few others and I managed a pretty respectable pace into work, actually enjoying the ride.

Glucose:    4.7
Ketone:      1.0
Breakfast:   Broth Butter
Lunch:        Smoked salmon, cream cheese, steak, mushroom, tomato, broccoli, wine, coffee
Dinner:       Sausage, crackling, yogurt MCT, almond butter
Ride:          42km commute, better :-)

My bloods, glucose and ketones are lower after a ride, big lunch and wine, the same happened last weekend. Despite this my ride in was good and by mid morning I was feeling pretty positive maybe my magnesium loading had helped? I had a really enjoyable client lunch and the anticipation of it helped keep my hunger at bay through the morning.

After having a couple of glasses of wine at lunch I planned to take it easy on my way home but once my usual 15min acclimatisation had passed I found I wanted to push a bit harder, turns out wine is a good fuel. Maybe I should incorporate it into my race strategy like our late friend Richard who fuelled London-Paris on a camel-back of red wine causing the organisers to state no alcohol in their ride brief.

We had a quiet evening starting the 2nd series of "Fortitude".

Sunday 29 January 2017

Day 34, Still stressed, good ride, busy day

I had a really stressful nights sleep, I don't know what the trigger was yesterday. I have run out of magnesium, amazon delays, and I know that preciously when my electrolytes were not correct it could effect my mood. I will search some out tomorrow.

Glucose:     5.1
Ketones:      0.9
Breakfast:    Broth & butter
Pre-lunch:    Butter coffee
Lunch:         Roast pork belly, crackling, cauliflower mash, buttered cabbage, 0.5 bottle red wine
Dinner:        Chicken, courgette, butter, rocket, dressing, cheese
Ride:            59.3k hills, 162aW, 1654cal, beetroot juice, 3/4 cliff peanut bar

Sitting in the van I was cursing Simon for not confirming he had changed the ride time, not 100% sure of 07.00/07.30 I text him at 07.20 but not reply. I then saw his ride past the end of the road, by the time I called he was gone, I quickly got ready but couldn't see him. I thought he must have just gone ahead for a ride by himself, should I just head home? Just then I saw him again, I shouted loudly, result he heard me.
We called each other pricks for 5 minutes, well mostly me calling him one for not following the simple instructions, my stressful mood had already been stretch thinly by 06.30!! We set off, it was still pretty murky but soon we were on a pretty quiet Box Hill, it was good to see Simon, ride with someone else and to ride some different roads.
I enjoyed this ride a whole lot more than my miserable ride with JamesS 2 weeks ago. I expect for many reasons, firstly today was damp, not pissing down, I was not having ride at my limit the whole time, and my adaptation really does feel to be making progress.
I enjoyed the hills more that I thought having not ridden then for a few months. The 6.5kg I have lost I am sure helped make it somewhat easier than it could have been. I enjoyed the undulation of my efforts, harder up the hills and then recovery down the other side, basically rough intervals. Recently I have been riding the flat route to Windsor and back, just trying to hold some sort of constant pace depending on my company or lack of it.
I had considered riding out to meet Simon but though better or it as I have been finding over 3 hours some what difficult recently, I know we only did 2.30 hours today, but it felt pretty good.

The ride definitely helped my mood, but I was still a bit stresses and wanting some sort of stimulant and sustenance I stupidly had a butter coffee, which certainly wasn't going to help. In the end it was not too bad, but my cravings were pretty strong in the afternoon.

I was very busy before lunch, which Lucy and I made a joint effort on making. I cleaned the bike, took the girls old beds apart, ready for their bunk beds, sorted food for the week and left a big mess of toys for Lucy to sort out. After that I managed to sit down and enjoy my lunch with a few glasses of wine, I even managed a cheeky afternoon nap.

I did feel a bit woowy when I got up but salt and a pint of water seemed to do the trick. I was really full but having strong sweet cravings, I thought I would not need any dinner but suddenly about 20.00 I was hungry again.

After dinner Tax return and blog and bed, a busy weekend.

Saturday 28 January 2017

Day 33, Bit tetchy today, don't know why? Sat 28.01.17

I felt like I slept reasonably well, trying to stick to my new lying on my back position, however my lower back does get a little uncomfortable. I was wide awake by my normal work get up time of 05.30, usual weekend form.

Day 33 metrics                      week/start
Weight                      78.0kg (-0.8/-6.5)
Body fat                    19.9%  (-0.3/-4.2)
Waking blood sugar  5.1mmol/L 
Waking ketones        1.6mmol/L 
Chest                        103cm (-1/-8)
Waist                         90cm (-2/-7)
Hip                            95cm (-1/-12)
Belt                            93cm (0/-5)

Breakfast:   Yogurt MCT, almond butter
Lunch:        Roast lamb, cauliflower and broccoli cheese, almond butter
Per-dinner: Chicken, cauliflower mash, butter, cheese
Dinner:       Mega-king prawn! salad & a glass of wine

Was hungry this morning and thought some broth and butter would help but unfortunately I had none defrosted. Didn't really feel satisfied all day, but at the same time was not that hungry. For some reason I kept getting really cranky today as if I was stressed, which I did not feel I was. 
Despite that I had fun with the kids, a little running around, swimming and my inaugural visit to Costco.....

I am riding with Simon tomorrow, so I spend 10 minutes fixing my new mud guards to my bike, looks like it might be wet again. I have not ridden with Simon for a while nor have I been out to the hills, hopefully it will all go well. 

Friday 27 January 2017

Day 32, Still pretty chilly

I was working late yesterday so I was late home and late to bed, never conducive to a good night's sleep. That said felt alright this morning and proceeded to wrap myself up for my pretty cold commute.

Glucose:    5.1
Ketones:    1.4
Breakfast:  Broth
Elevenses: Broth
Lunch:       Broth & a handful of nuts
Dinner:      Roast Lamb, cauliflower mash, cheese, seeds, yoghurt MCT, almod butter, 2sq 100% choc
Ride:          42km commute

My bloods have remained pretty stable after both my regained exercise and increased food. I ate a lot yesterday and I thought I would dial it down today and fast today for several very important reasons.
  • I had brought no food into work
  • I had broth in fridge
Unfortunately I also had some nuts, I had bought but not eaten yesterday and with them sitting there looking at me and my lack of full commitment to the fast let my hunger get the better of me and they were gone.
I sometimes add a knob of butter to my broth, which I had not done today, I think this helps me feel more satisfied and more likely to stick to the fast. Although having the fat while fasting it is strictly speaking not a true fast but I am sure gain a good percentage of the benefits.
My hunger grew during the day and I tried to wait for my dinner, which I managed although I started to get a headache and felt a bit blaaa by the afternoon.

As feeling a bit blaaa I was not looking forward to my ride home, however it was really good and iI felt much better when I got home.
The first part of any keto ride for me is always harder, I suspect that as I start exercising not only does my blood plasma increases but the my muscles start to kick into fat metabolism. Certainly last year it was noticeable that I was stronger after the first hour. Even on my commute after 15 minutes I find it easier. I am again finding I can push harder but not sustain these efforts for long, however my recovery has improved and feels quick after these efforts.

Had a quiet evening and off to bed.

Thursday 26 January 2017

Day 31, What's going on? Greater fat adaption....

Slept on my back again and had another good night's sleep, however my neck is still not sorted. I shot over the chiro first thing but when I got home I was so cold, I really couldn't face going out in the -1degC for a ride. Why was I so cold, yes it was a cold day but I felt unusually cold, my fingers were like ice, SALT!!!

Glucose:    5.4
Ketones:    1.4
Breakfast:  Broth, yogurt MCT, almond butter
Lunch:       Roast lamb, cauliflower and broccoli cheese
Tea:           Roast lamb, cauliflower and broccoli cheese
Dinner:      Prawn cocktail, M&S Edamame & Sugar snap salad, M&S Mango & Mangetout salad
Ride:         81.5k, 174aW, 150TL, 2110 Cal

I had been dialing back my salt intake, like Reinette, I have been suffering from being dry mouth/thirsty at night. When I was last in ketosis it was the middle of summer and I was regularly doing long rides in the heat, I probably needed much more salt than I do now. Judging from my cold feelings I think I had pulled back to far, a lack of salt can reduce blood plasma volume and therefore blood pressure. Some salt, water, my breakfast and a little TV I was good to go.

My ride was pretty good, I took it easy wanting to get the longer time on the bike to aid my adaptation. I need to find the balance of what and when to eat pre-ride,  I find the fatty breakfast can not sit that well at the beginning of the ride. It was pretty cold and I was glad to finish, although riding past my house this week was a little easier.

It felt like I ate quite a lot today, probably not considering my ride, but I have lost nearly 7kg of the 14kg I wanted to lose and I am aware I can't continually just run off my excesses.

So what's going on?

Below is a chart of my glucose and ketone levels for the last 31 days. To me it is clear that the glucose has started to trend higher and in addition my ketones have started to fall.

Certainly in the last few days my exercise had reduced and that may have contributed to my lower ketones, however I do not believe my carb intake has increased to increase my glucose levels. Am I having an insulin response to the higher glucose, therefore reducing the ketones? Well interestingly yesterday where I did exercise a little harder, my ketones increased again but so did my glucose.

In the past I have not tested my glucose regularly and when I have experienced lower ketone levels I would test my glucose, see it higher and try harder to cut my carbs assuming my food intake was the problem.

  *** Please remember I have read and listened to try and learn about this subject I am not a DR or medically trained, please correct me if I am wrong***

However, I do not believe this is the case, I think my increased adaption had lead to more efficient gluconeogenesis. In addition from what I understand when you first force your body into ketosis, the liver is doing all the ketone production. The level of hepatic ketones rise in your blood and your brain and muscles start to use them.

What I have maybe misunderstood, is that the muscles have to become more efficient in using these ketones. If I have now understood correctly, I believe the muscles can actually process fatty acids/triglycerides in their own cells to produce energy (ATP) independently.

The requirement on hepatic ketones for muscle use will reduce, the longer in ketosis the more efficient the muscles will become converting fatty acids, hence the required adaption time to get back to and beyond full speed/power athletically. I would also presume, that when exercising, if the muscles still required further fuel the liver would still respond and increase blood ketone levels.

This increased fat adaption also ties in with the increased gluconeogenesis, a byproduct of processing triglycerides is glycerol which along with other byproducts such as lactate are precursors for glycogen. It is important that the body can produce glycogen, although most of the brain's energy requirement and that of the whole body can be provided by ketones, the brain still requires a certain amount of glycogen to function properly. However as we can see this does not have to be ingested, the body has adapted to be very sparing of glycogen and through gluconeogenesis should be able to fulfill the brains requirement.

From about 30 or 45 mins in is interesting but needs a little deciphering.

As I said please feel free to correct me if my understanding is incorrect.

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Day 30, Lying back and moving forward

Good morning! Last night my cricked neck was an issue so I forced myself to sleep on my back. Normally I sleep on my side, continually moving from one side to the other and interrupting my sleep. I have tried in the past to retrain myself to sleep on my back and I have only managed to achieve this when I have been suffering with one of my many ski/MTB injuries when I have basically been unable to move.
I had a good night's sleep, still waking in the early hours but then getting back to sleep. Emilia ended up in our bed but she was fairly quiet and Lucy ended up in Thomasina's bed kindly keeping me from having to share with 3 others. In addition I was going back to the Chiro this morning so I could have a lie in. I didn't sleep much past my normal wake time but it was still good to rest. I feel heaps better and there has been no change in my bloods, they have been pretty constant for the last 3 days.

Glucose:    5.1
Ketone:      0.8
Breakfast:  10ml coconut oil
Lunch:        Byron Burger bun less with cheese and bacon, coleslaw
Dinner:       Cualiflower mash, cone cabbage, chciken, butter, cheese and a few nuts, broth
Ride:           42 km commute

Leaving home an hour later it was just about getting light but the mist/fog was as think as i have seen it in Richmond Park, it was a real effort to see the road. This thinned as I got onto the main roads but was replaced with heavy traffic and lots & lots of these pesky bikes, my commute is normally so much quieter.
The first part of the ride was cold and not much fun, but after I stopped to see the chiro my legs felt pretty good, I felt I could push a little harder. I am looking forward to my longer ride tomorrow, neck permitting.

Cortisol, cravings, coffee. I mentioned coffee a few days ago and it possible effect on increasing cravings. Today I had an extremely stressful day and I could feel as my stress levels rose so did my cravings for chocolate and carbs. When I am non-keto I would definitely stress eat and turn to the chocolate, as a treat, a crutch, a boost, a break, conditioning or maybe it was more hormonal. Either way it was interesting that I could feel that draw today, but today I could feel it for what it was and I was not tempted. However does coffee's effect of cortisol trigger the same desire, it would appear for me it does.

My commute home as good, starting to feel a bit more solid after a 10-15 warm up. I still have some way to go but my legs felt better despite a "low" blood ketone level, more on this tomorrow.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Day 29, Balance ketogenic meals, you're pulling my wing

I still felt pretty tired first thing this morning and with my cricked neck, which was worse, it was an easy decision to drive. I was really busy and almost missed out on some timely required personal admin, tickets to ROH for Emilia. By mid morning I felt more alive and I had, not intentionally, only had water with no breakfast.

Glucose:   5.2
Ketones:   0.7
Breakfast: Water
Lunch:      19 Orange Buffalo chicken wings, 20 was too many!!!
Dinner:     Water
Ride:         Rest

My ketones were again low, as I said yesterday, I am not sure if it is this or my of sleep that is a damper on my mood, but I was encouraged that I felt more optimistic as the day passed. Due to rising ketones or that I promised myself a good lunch?

When I first tried to go ketogenic, a few years ago, I did not eat a well formulated and balanced diet. I ate lots of cheese, salami, pork scratching and a bit of salad. After a few weeks I found it hard and I struggled with ketone levels. Now I eat a lot more veg, and have reduced my meat, saying that my last 2 days my ketones levels have reduced, there could be several reasons, don't panic, keep going, I will revisit this soon.

I had my 3 month laser eye treatment checkup today, which went very well. I knew I would have a break in the middle of it so I promised myself some chicken wings for lunch. Not any ordinary chicken wings but "Orange Buffalo". I went for a cheeky 20, not quite the well balanced meal I just talked of, but so good, but 1 too many I didn't want to be greedy.......

In the past when I have eaten a very protein heavy meal I have felt sluggish and with out energy in the afternoon. I expect due to excess protein being processed into glycogen, triggering a mild insulin response and lowering ketone levels.
Today however, maybe due to my lack of breakfast, no such lull, in actual fact my mood and energy continued to increase during the day. Out of interest I retested my bloods at 20.00 G4.9 K0.7 so pretty much unchanged from this morning. From this snap shot it would appear my improved mood had little connection to my bloods.

Need to get my neck sorted tomorrow and back on the bike, we all got into "Fred Whitton Challenge" and apart from Bob we all have a lot of work to do in the next 3 months, lets hope my adaptation speeds up.

Monday 23 January 2017

Day 28, Mood down, ketones down.

I felt really low this morning, as per usual at the moment the first half of the night I slept alright but after I woke I only had disturbed rest. I found it hard to get out of bed but I did manage to get on my bike in the -2.5degC fog.

Glucose:   4.9
Ketone:    0.8
Breakfast: Broth and butter
Lunch:     Stew, cheese coconut oil
Dinner:   Cauliflower mash, cabbage chicken butter, yoghurt MCT cream almond butter
Ride:       42k commute

My ketones were the lowest they have been in the last 27 days, I am not really sure why. I have had no exercise for 3 days, I had a single glass of wine last night, quite a lot of veg and cream with my dinner and probably double the blueberries I have normally been eating but I did wait most of the day to eat. I suspect that I might normally get away with more veg, wine and berries due to my exercise.
That said 0.8 is still considered in ketosis and morning levels are generally considered lowest.

I am not trying to suggest my mood is low due to my low ketones I have no such evidence as yet. I suspect it is more likely that a lack of sleep and last weeks emotions have could up with me. Coincident or not the journal of this blog will be helpful for future reference.

Normally when I get on my bike after a few days off, I feel good and a firm pace if quite easy. In today's foggy soup with my fragile mental state I just had to be glad I had not taken the train or driven. As for training, right now I just can't see why I ever do it, maybe if we get a place in Fred Whitton, which is drawn today, that might give me some reality lead kick up the arse.

Feeling down and with low ketones I had a mix of emotions and cravings, part of me wanted to fast to boost my ketones, part of me wanted a comfort "Pret bacon and cheese croissant" or 3 and a coffee preferably with a caramel shot.
Even in ketosis fasting requires some will power and of course pushing that when you are not strong enough could lead to a more seismic break probably leading me directly to the Pret scenario, not a good plan.
The Pret scenario on its own is of course an equal disaster, the feel good boost of some carbs would last about an hour before I would be again hungry unfulfilled and even lower in both mood and ketones.
Coffee, coincidently I was just discussing this matter with Reinette, I have not been a tea or coffee drinker but I started to drink coffee a couple of years ago to give me that zero cal boost particularly when fasting. There is a lot of different views on this subject so find what works for you. For me, I have found coffee gives me a very similar rollercoaster to sugar, I get a good boost but then in the low I get cravings. So although I really wanted the boost I have recognised its not worth it.

I had brought a broth in with me and I had that for breakfast, fortunately I also had one in the fridge which I had mid morning. I still went for a relatively early lunch, I did not want my desire, rather than craving, for comfort or a stimulant to have any chance to take hold.
Made it home on the bike and felt a bit better for about an hour but was then pretty tired and not that positive, I managed to crick my neck on the bike hitting some ice and just before bed had an awful headache. Off to bed let's hope tomorrow is a better day.

Sunday 22 January 2017

Day 27, Chocolate chip cookies

Unfortunately I have not managed to find the holy grail of a low carb, no sweetener delicious cookie.
I did not sleep well last night, almost fell asleep but I was then woken by a noise and I couldn't get back to sleep.  I am sure the coffee didn't help nor that Thomasina missed Mummy so came up to my bed. I was disappointed to be tired as I have slept so well the night before and was looking forward to having another day with the girls.

Glucose:     4.4
Ketone:      1.4
Breakfast:   Broth butter and some cheese!!
Lunch:        Handful of nuts, a sausage
Dinner:       Roast lamb, LCHF cauliflower & broccoli cheese. mushrooms, yogurt cream MCT blueberries and a glass of wine.
Ride:          Nothing, thought about some weights, but couldn't be bothered

Took the girls to see "Sing" which they enjoyed but going to the cinema would always involve lots of chocolate and to be honest it didn't even cross my mind. When we came back home it was a bit late for our roast to be ready for lunch so we had it for dinner instead. I spent most of the afternoon in the kitchen, I tried to hang out for my dinner with just a little snack, in hindsight I should of had some proper lunch as dinner was a long wait.
The girls wanted me to make some chocolate chip cookies, they smelt really good but I stayed strong and didn't eat any. Back on the bike tomorrow but it looks like it going to be misty.

Saturday 21 January 2017

Day 26, I feel good and I feel good!!, Sat 21st Jan

I woke up this morning and I felt good, I was hungry but I felt relaxed, my stomach was peaceful, I had a pretty good sleep, I went to bed early after being exhausted by yesterday. I also managed to get back to sleep for a couple of hours after my 02.30 wake-up. I feel better about myself, I have dropped a stone and my clothes fit better, my metrics speak for themselves and only 3.5 weeks in!

Day 26 metrics                      week/start
Weight                      78.8kg (-1.3/-5.7)
Body fat                    20.2%  (na/-3.9)
Waking blood sugar 5.2mmol/L 
Waking ketones        1.9mmol/L 
Chest                        104cm (0/-7)
Waist                         92cm (0/-5)
Hip                            96cm (-2/-11)
Belt                           93cm (-2/-5)

Breakfast: Broth and butter (despite being hungry was fine)
Lunch:      Five guys double bacon cheese burger in lettuce wrap, yogurt MCT blueberries
Snack:       2/3 bottle prosecco, small handful nuts, espresso
Dinner:      Courgette, cabbage, pepper, tomato, broccoli, chicken, butter and chilli oil stir fry & cheese

One downside of feeling good is that you can start to feel invincible and take liberties with your intake. Lucy was away on her course this weekend so I was having another fun Daddy day but with no exercise. I have not been on the turbo for a while and the turbo is hard enough but when I am only partially adapted I don't have the will power. 
After Thomasina's fuzzy eye drop eye test we meet the Singletons for a Five Guys and then back home for Scalextrics and Prosecco, well not for the kids. I certainly had a great afternoon, the girls fell asleep pretty quickly and I was not far behind them. I ate quite a lot today, I did not feel deprived and I did not really stray off course too much. I did let myself have a coffee and hopefully the alcohol won't have effected my bloods too much, we will see in the morning.

Friday 20 January 2017

Day 25, A celebration of Granny's life

Today was Granny's funeral, we will all miss her greatly but it was a celebration of her long long life. Sadly as we all know it takes an occasion like this to get the family all together and it was nice to see cousins I had not seen recently or had never meet!

It was a long tiring emotional day, not helped by almost missing my plane due to a minor crash which involving 8 vehicles blocking lane 1 & 3 of the 3 lane motorway.

Glucose:    4.7
Ketone:     2.0
Breakfast: Hand full of nuts
Brunch:     Bacon & eggs
Snack:       Peanuts
Dinner:      Chicken, mushrooms, cauliflower mash, cheese, butter, 100% chocolate (1 bit)

Thursday 19 January 2017

Day 24, Ketones = Fat adapted?

Context has a great influence on what a term means.
A high carb athlete will train to become fat adapted by doing long or fasted rides. This will increase the amount of fat they can burn, ketones will detected in their blood, can they, do they consider themselves fat adapted?

When entering ketosis the body starts to burn fat as its main fuel, so once the blood ketone level remains constantly above 0.7/1.0mmol/l, is this fat adapted?
When exercising and the body has been trained to "predominantly or preferentially" use ketones over carbs, is this fat adapted?

Well of course they are all levels of fat adaptation, however in the case of an "athlete", I use this term very loosely, or any person looking to improve their athletic performance through ketosis there is an important difference.

I have been in ketosis consistently since day 2 with pretty high ketone levels and within that respect my body is fat adapted, it has shifted from burning glucose as my primary fuel to fat. However what is very important is that the rest of the body has to adjust. I have seen improvements in my rides but my power and endurance is still significantly reduced. My muscles have not yet adapted to burning the ketones efficiently.
It is reported that endurance adaptation takes 6-12 weeks, within 6 weeks you should be able to train properly and not be far off your high carb levels, but at 12 weeks the benefits should really start to kick in. One of the benefits is that the % of fat burned at all heart rates, but particularly sub-threshold (80%) can increase from about 30% to 80%. This enables these efforts to be fueled more efficiently and performed for longer time periods.
If you take a step back and think about physically training your body, weights, running, cycling, swimming we all know that after 6 weeks you can see progress but after 12 weeks a real difference can be seen. It does not take a great leap for me to understand that this same process and time lag will occur when re-training our muscles to "predominantly or preferentially" use ketones. 

So, me included, be patient don't worry about the lack of performance, it will come back. Despite experiencing this powerful force last year I am still questioning what I am currently going through. I know several people, me included on several occasions, who have not managed to make it through this stage, they have given up and gone back to carbs.

I was inspired to write about this after watching and reading the links below, which include and expand on these topics which I originally found in "The Art and Science of Low Carb Living", thanks Reinette.


http://alessandroferretti.co.uk/videos (measuring ketones)

Glucose:    4.6
Ketone:      1.9
Breakfast:   Broth & butter, handful of mixed nuts
Lunch:        Slow roast meat, coconut oil, cheese, 2 M&S mango & mangetout salad, almond butter 60g
Dinner:       Slow roast meat, cheese, guacamole 
Snack:        yogurt, cream, MCT, blueberries
Ride:          84k, 137aHR, 157aW, TL146, 2050kcal  (training load strava, similar to TSS on Training peaks)

Still waking in middle on the night, I hope it will settle soon. Was on our late shift today so went for a ride after dropping kids to school. It was a lovely sunny but cold day 1degC av, these sunny winter days are some of my favorite days of the year, they are bonus "we don't expect to see the sun days". 

After reading the links above and reprocessing the info I when out for an easy ride. Like all training you can't smash it all the time and the body need time to adapt. A longer enjoyable ride I am sure will be doing a lot of good.

The rest of my day was fairly quiet but I would have liked some more food at work in the evening. Although late, I had another pudding like yesterday's when I got home, yogurt, cream, MCT, berries. I doubt I will get a chance to eat appropriately tomorrow, I will be flying to Belfast and back for my Grandmother's funeral.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Day 23, Frances Boggs (06.05.1912-18.01.2017)

My Grandmother passed away today, she was 104, a very loving, kind person who had a very strong spirit. She has been saying good bye to us all for 20 years but she stayed strong, most of the time with her health, but her health deteriorated in the last year.  In her lifetime the world completely changed, in many many ways and it is amazing to think what she witnessed yet she managed to embrace the changes and stayed up to date. We will all miss her greatly.

I was positive that I managed to fast yesterday, it was a little hard towards the end, but OK. I love the feeling the day after I fast my stomach feel relaxed and peaceful, is that how people normally feel? I did think my ketones would have been a bit higher, but they were still good.

Glucose:    4.6
Ketone:     2.7
Breakfast: Broth, butter, prawn cocktail, pea bean salad (obviously!!)
Lunch:      Slow roast pork belly, lettuce warps, guacamole, cheese
Dinner:     Chicken, cauliflower mash, fried cabbage, seeds, cheese, yogurt, cream, MCT, blueberries
Ride:         42k commute, fair pace.

I had got my cycling kit ready last night and had mentally committed to riding this morning. I managed to judge the no. of layers perfectly and was very comfortable in the -2degC morning. I rode a solid pace but again ran out of steam after 45 mins and had to back of for the last 15 mins, not a bad effort on a 33 hour fast.

I ate properly today, getting hungry at times but having to wait until meetings finished for lunch. On my way home I got sucked into chasing some of the roadies. Suddenly I hit something in the road, I pushed the bike away from me and was lucky to save myself from spilling all over the road. Despite my double layered puncture protected tyres my front goes flat instantly. The hole in the tube was so big my quick fix gunk would not do the trick, changed the tube and back on my way. Not surprisingly my road home felt easier with some food in me.

I have read of people mixing yogurt with double cream, i gave it a try with some MCT mixed in too and a few blueberries. It was nice, lets see how my bloods are tomorrow.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Day 22, 3am waking

For the majority of the last 2 or 3 weeks I have been waking at 3-3.30ish. I have struggled to get back to sleep, sometimes due to additional little people, sometimes due to me stressing and sometimes I am just wide awake. The fact of the matter is I am consistently wakeing right up a similar time each night. Reading Reinette's blog she too has been suffering with the same problem.

Glucose:    5.3
Ketone:     1.5
Breakfast: Broth
Lunch:      Broth
Dinner:     Broth
Ride:        None

Casting my mind back to last year I think I had similar problems, this sounds quite common, with a fair bit of speculation but with no real explanation. The theories vary from too many ketones, not enough ketones, too much glucose or not enough, supplements at the wrong time etc etc. I am sure much of this is not incorrect and we are all different. That said, I spent much of last year in ketosis and I did not suffer with this problem the whole time. This leads me to believe that this was something I suffered when I was adapting, so whatever the cause I think it will work itself out, if only I had kept a diary or a blog.

Unfortunately at the moment, despite going to bed early, after falling asleep in front of the telly at 20.00, I was still pretty tired when I got up and could not motivate myself to get on the bike, am I being lazy or taking another purposeful rest day? I know that Lucy is away this weekend so I won't be out on the bike and will have some rest and recovery then, but still I couldn't muster the energy. By mid morning the sun was beating through the window, it looked a glorious day and I was bit gutted I had not pushed myself a bit harder.

Yesterday I was hungry so I ate, the more I ate, the hungrier I appeared to get. I was not super strict on my carbs (30g ish), but I had not exercised. So maybe it was these free carbs that was causing the hunger. My bloods, whilst still staying in ketogenic ranges, certainly saw a rise in glucose and a reduction in ketones, neither which helped me sleep!

I believe intermittent fasting is exactly what it says, intermittent. Humans evolved without 24/7 shops, fridge and food. We ate when we got the opportunity and stopped when we were full. Being fat adapted definitely enables us to not be tied to, or require 3 meals a day, or to snack constantly, however enjoyable that is socially. In addition the ability to ignore hunger and fast becomes really quite easy and natural, there would have been times when we would not find food and we would live on our reserves.
I did not eat that much on Sunday and I was very hungry yesterday, however I did feel the more I ate almost made me feel more hungry. Ultimately I want to find a healthy balance thats supports my training, however at the moment I still want to shift some weight. After eating yesterday and not getting on the bike today, why not fast for a day, burn some fat, boost my ketones and give my body that natural randomness of calorie intake. 
Fasting was not too bad today, broth mostly satisfied me except for a couple of periods in the day 16.30 & 20.00 I was quite hungry but I stayed strong. Looking forward to eating tomorrow.

Monday 16 January 2017

Day 21, Still wet, still broken

I could hear the rain on the window again this morning, looking at the weather forecast it was due to be harder for the way home. Yesterday was a hard day on many fronts, I was still broken, I couldn't face another cold wet ride with the possibility of wearing wet kit home. The rest of the week looks less wet and a day's rest will do me good, I justify to myself.

Glucose:    4.2
Ketone:      2.1
Breakfast:  Broth & 2 Sausages
Brunch:      Braised beef lettuce wraps with cheese and guacamole
Lunch:        Prawn cocktail, mango and sugar snap salad
Dinner:       Roast beef, LCHF cauliflower cheese, courgette, yoghurt MCT, almond butter
Ride:          Rest

Wanting to stay dry and comfortable, I drove the van to work also enabling me to be ready to bring my bike back after an extended commute on thursday. Despite or maybe due to the lack of exercise, or my alcohol suppressed ketones or not eating enough yesterday, I was very hungry today, so I ate!

During the day I felt pretty good, still glad I didn't get on the bike but hopefully will be all good for the morning. I was increasingly hungry through the day and then very tired, so after falling asleep in front of the TV it was off bed.

**Sorry this post had not updated properly last night**

Day 20, Cold powerful cravings

I don't really know where to start! Maybe lying on my bed after a 90 minute sleep really struggling, not just motivate myself but physically struggling, to get up, sounding reminiscent?

The day started in a quite usual way at the moment, I inexplicably woke at 03.28, this has pretty much been that case for the last week, fortunately I had an early night. I struggled to get back to sleep and we were joined by Thomasina who came upstairs. I had heard the rain start on the velux window about 05.00 it sounded a bit on and off but did not sound too bad. There had been a potential for ice, so at least that threat had passed.

Glucose: 4.9
Ketone:  2.0
Breakfast: Yoghurt MCT, broth (pre-ride)
Breakfast: Cauliflower mash. chicken, cheese, seeds, broth (post ride)
Lunch:      Roast beef, LC Cauliflower cheese, peas, wine
Dinner:     Italian meat selection, almond butter & MCT oil
Ride:         60k, 159avHR, 205avW

I had arranged to meet JamesS at 06.30 for ride, although he normally is not that keen on the rain. With my mountain bike back ground I have spend many an hour wet, dirty and sometimes cold, so once I am out the door, I am usually up for the ride.
Once I remember following the grand union canal to Guildford and then heading over the surrey hills to get home, it was wet windy and cold and I was only 3.5 hour into the 6.5 hour loop.

James did not text to cancel, I was ready and waiting. Outside the weather was unusually worse than it sounded, properly wet and very cold. I have yet to winter ready my road bike, and my arse saver was not much use, with the lack of a front mudguard my feet, despite my sealskin socks and overshoes, were soaked through within minutes.
I was pushing hard, in part just to try and keep warm, it was a hard mental and physical effort, I could not really hold a conversation. With the occasional glance down at my garmin my helmet light showed my watts looked good and that my heart rate was as high as I expected, right on threshold. 45 minutes in I thought I was doing well but really finding it tough. Cold, wet and petty tired I suggested we shortened the loop to a 90 minute one.  No such luck, James's response "Na let's get the 2 hours in, we are only cruising", my head dropped I dug deep but I was certainly not cruising, I was pretty much spent.
I had to drop in behind and draft, but in this weather that had it own issues. My feet were already freezing sloshing around in a sock of water, the cold was spreading from my feet to my calves, not something I really experienced before. Despite James's bike being fully winter equipped I was getting a constant face full of cold water, so I rode half a meter to the side. 30 minutes later my left side, which had been taking the brunt of the water, was really cold and my hand was pretty painfully. The cold had now taken over my calves, it was making it painful to turn the pedals in addition to my drained power resources.
We hit Runnymede, a wide open road we normally push on, I gave all to keep James's wheel but it started to go. It ebbed and flowed for a while but I was done, I didn't even have the energy to shout. It was not long before James looked back, he backed off and I got back on, we took it easier for a little while. I was not in a good place, there are not many rides, particularity short ones, where I wanted it to end so much. James had another push after about 10 minutes, I tried to stick to him like glue and now the water was leaching through my zips.
Almost home, spin the legs out, like always you  are glad you have done it, but that without doubt this was an extremely hard, true winter training ride. As I hosed down my bike the tap water felt pleasantly warm!
On the first hour of the ride I averaged 223 watts still about 15% down and without the endurance, although some of this will be due to being not as fit. Either way I could push for a while, it wasn't pleasant but the power feels like it is starting to improve.

After my lunch like breakfast. I was totally wiped out, I felt totally drained, I would have checked my bloods but I didn't have the energy to climb the stairs. My food/sugar cravings were so strong I was finding it really hard not to eat anything or everything sweet. After a little TV time I started on lunch and we had really nice roast beef and a bottle of wine. My cravings were still on fire, I wanted to eat the crumble Lucy had made, the ice cream just anything. It was weird I was not hungry I had eaten a fulfilling meal, I just wanted sugar or carbs.

Lucy kindly let me go up for a rest, my waking state was very reminiscent of my sugar overdose state of Christmas eve, but this time I think I was just truly exhausted, there were no sweats or shaking. Slowly over the evening are stated to feel a little more recovered, I again had that strange unsatisfied, but not hungry feeling. I tried to eat a little as I felt my exertions warranted some more sustenance but I still wanted something sweet. I stayed strong but that was a hard day.

Saturday 14 January 2017

Day 19, Sat 14.01.17, weight-ing

I have decided to move my weight/metrics update to the weekend as I don't really have time to do this during the week. This update from 4 days ago highlights my point about waiting for weight. It appears I have gained a little weight but I have lost another cm off my chest, waist and hips.

Day 19 metrics                      week/start
Weight                      80.1kg (+0.4/-4.5)
Body fat                    21.2%  (na/-1.9)
Waking blood sugar 4.5mmol/L 
Waking ketones        3.1mmol/L 
Chest                        104cm (-1/-7)
Waist                         92cm (-1/-5)
Hip                            98cm (-1/-9)
Belt                           95cm (0/-3)

Breakfast: Coffee
Lunch:      Broth & butter
Dinner:     Slow cooked beef & pork (to much pepper), lettuce wraps, cashew nuts, cheese, guacamole
Ride:         None

Lucy was away today, I had a lovely day with the girls again taking them out and eating somewhere really inappropriate for me, in expectation of this I had broth before I left. Came home and toyed with the idea of doing some weights but spent a couple of hours in the kitchen preparing food for the week ahead instead. I feel pretty good in my self and actually was not too hungry until about 17.00 so I had my dinner early. I really felt like a glass or two of wine.

I am due to ride with JamesS tomorrow morning, unfortunately the weather does not look particular good, bit of a shame as this morning was lovely. If we ride this will be my first ride with anybody else since day 1 so it will be a good idea of where I am in my adaptation.

Friday 13 January 2017

Day 18, Ice Scream

I don't mean to go on about my sleep, but a lack of it does really have a negative impact on my mood. Last night Emilia had a really bad cough so after getting the honey I thought left her in our bed with Lucy and headed for the spare room.
Having got in from work at 23.00 having a broken night's sleep my slightly later wake up time of 6.15 was still pretty tough. Checked my phone -2 and icy just what you want especially after my recent black ice tumble. Just do it, were the right clothes, take it easy, just ride to work, eventually I muster the energy to get up. Surprising, although tired, I don't feel my lack of sleep is having such a strong negative effect on my mood at the moment, which is a nice positive.

Glucose:    3.5
Ketone:     5.2
Breakfast: Broth and butter
Lunch:      Wrap-it-up naked burrito
Lunch 2nd:Cheddar and chorizo, crackling, M&S edamame, apple sugar snap salad
Dinner:     Couddle, broccoli, cherry tomatoes, garlic, chilli, chicken, cheese, butter
Ride:        45km commute, pushed

Clearly I had not need to worry about the carbs in my salad yesterday, in addition with my ketones over 5 I clearly did not eat enough. I am hungry today and had a big portion of broth when I got to work and then an early lunch,

My App had said -2, I dressed accordingly, but then my downstairs thermometer said +2, I headed off anyway and after 5 minutes was way too hot. After another 10 minutes I had to remove some clothes but I was still too hot for the rest of the ride. The roads were still icy and my legs were absolutely screaming, particularly my hamstrings. I continued to push but it was not fun, about 45 mins in I realised I was riding in a higher gear, I had to drop it back for the last 15 minutes. So much for an easy ride, and I still have to make it home, the forecast is strong snowy headwinds.

Was hungry, so I had a second lunch, fortunately the weather was not too bad, windy and a bit of hail. Pushed pretty hard again and could hang on to people's tails for a bit longer, felt easier than this morning. Just to reconfirm I have a salt and water when I get up, before exercise, before bed and if I feel light headed or a headache.

Again just hungry today so I had a pretty big dinner and an early night.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Day 17, Just get out and Do It

Surprisingly I slept pretty well in my inebriated state last night, however I was pretty lethargic and lying in bed trying to correct my previous nights drunk blog post was nice and warm. Outside looked cold and the weather forecast was for it to get colder and wet.

Glucose:    4.2
Ketone:     0.9
Breakfast: Little greek yoghurt with MCT oil (pre-ride)
Lunch:      Last bit of mousaka, chicken leg and thigh, 1/2 M&S prawn cocktail, M&S mango, mangetout Salad, almond butter
Dinner:     Chicken leg and thigh, 1/2 M&S prawn cocktail, M&S edamame, apple sugar snap salad
Ride:         87.5km, 178w (wap), 2180kcal

With my ketones hammered from my night out, 1 double vodka soda, 0.5 bottle white & bottle of red (probably not the best low carb choice), I was concerned at how my ride was going to be. I had some MCT oil mixed into greek yoghurt, to try and bump up my levels, about 07.30.

Just get out and Do It. It looked cold and miserable and I really lacked motivation, especially knowing the weather was due to get worst. Correctly dressed, with the exception of my shoe or toe covers, I had a teaspoon of salt and a pint of water and set off.
It was actually pretty lovely out when wearing the right kit. My DMS had kicked in and hamstrings were pretty tender, after 20-30 minutes I started to feel more comfortable on the bike and after an hour I was in the groove. Certainly last year I always felt stronger after an hours warm up.
The ride was pretty good but I am not drinking properly. I am forgetting to drink and then when I do the water is too cold so I don't drink enough. I might need to my some insulated camelback bottles and fill with tepid water.
My tummy was settled during the ride and I think the small breakfast helped but I would not want to have that straight before a ride. Riding past my house at 65km, to continue into work, took some willpower, probably due to the fact that I was now soaking wet and my feet, with out my covers, were blocks of ice. Post ride I didn't feel too good, I think I was dehydrated, I had stomach cramps and felt a bit sick. I felt better after a couple of pints of water and a little sit down.

Food wise I was hungry but a bit limited for time and choice. I picked up few things from M&S but with a little mango and apple in the salads there were more carbs, even in the prawn cocktail (40g in total), than I would like. However coming off the back of a 3 hour ride I am pretty sure that these will get rapidly absorbed from my bloodstream without triggering an insulin response.

Later in the evening I felt not completely satisfied, not really hungry but not full. I think a cup of broth would have really done the trick but for some reason last night I did not remember to take any out of the freezer. I was working on my own so no other option, went home and went to bed.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Day 16, And relax

Still not sleeping that well, which is annoying, but I was expecting to hurt when I woke after my PT session. I felt fine even walking down the stair, clearly I did not push hard enough. I considered riding in but as I am out tonight that would leave me with a bike logistics problem. Jumped in the van so I could drive my bike home tomorrow after a longer morning ride and a late work finish.

Glucose:    4.1
Ketone:     3.7
Breakfast: Broth & butter
Snack:      Small handful of walnuts
Lunch:      Wagamama Duck lettuce wrap, Lollipop prawn, Steak salad
Dinner:   Rib eye, mushroom, butter, creamed spinach, lots of wine.

So I am having a rest day, I have ridden 300k in that last 7 days pushing quite hard in the last 4 in particular. Although I have not felt the PT session in my legs yet I expect I will get delayed muscle soreness tomorrow. That said LCHF and in particular ketogenic diets appear to greatly improve recovery.
The research is now starting to suggest, it is not that necessarily improve recovery but considerably less muscle damage occurs. Either way from my experience last year and the anecdotal evidence from many n=1 athletes is that the time for recovery and ability to train again is greatly reduced.

I have managed to maintain a really good routine of broth for breakfast but today I was pretty hungry. Had a little snack before, my extravagant Wagamama lunch with JamesM who is also trying to cut the carbs, so I didn't get food envy. In actual fact choosing wisely on the menu the food was great, I don't feel rice bloated or sleepy afterwards.

Met Simon for a drink and some food, amazing friend who is always supportive but also one of my MTB and roadie buddies. We have been through so much pain and joy together it is quite unbelievable. He attempted keto with me last year but struggled to adapt, I think a bit of time would have helped but it is hard when you don't have the confidence that it's going to work. Great advise tonight and great business plans for our non city future. He was also very kind in picking up the bill when I was having a call of nature.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Day 15, 2 weeks down, 50 to go.....

Managed a better night's sleep with no children climbing in with us. It was still an effort to persuade myself to get on the bike this morning. It was a bit colder today, 4 degC, put an extra layer on and was comfortable. Again this morning I felt I could push a bit harder in places, trying to keep up with some of the faster commuters only to be dropped 500m later. It is hard work, I keep having to remind myself I am only 2 weeks in. That considered I really should be pretty pleased.

Day 15 metrics                      week/start
Weight                      79.7kg (-0.9/-4.9)
Body fat                    scale did not work
Waking blood sugar 3.8mmol/L 
Waking ketones        3.9mmol/L 
Chest                        105cm (-1/-6)
Waist                         93cm (-1/-4)
Hip                            99cm (-3/-8)
Belt                           95cm (-1/-3)

Breakfast: Broth & butter
Lunch:      Naked "wrap-it-up" (another type of burrito salad, very tasty but not enough salad)
Snack:      Handful of nuts
Dinner:     Butter fried broccoli, red and white cabbage ground beef, cheddar and chilli seeds
Ride:         42km commuting & PT session

So after 2 weeks how are the rest of the stats looking? This week I only lost 0.9kg (2lb), I say only, 2lb a week in anybody's book is great but this is as expected a slow down on last weeks water loss. When you are working hard to get in better shape our scale reading can have a very positive or negative effect on our motivation.
Before Christmas when my eating was out of control and I was "putting weight on" and "getting fat", it was quite interesting that in the same was as loosing weight you can hit plateaus, I was doing the same putting weight on. There were definitely points where my weight was not really changing but my waistline was increasing.
I have, like all of us, been very disheartened when I have not seen the weight fall, I know this has not been the case this time. However look at some of my other measurements, they are massively encouraging too. It is also good to focus on how we feel, this is of course hugely important and fundamentally what we are looking to improve.

My friend Reinette is also trying to find her way to health via ketosis and is also writing a blog of her journey. In addition she has made what looks like and amazing snack/treat that I am going to have to try and make. http://cooperreinette.blogspot.co.uk/2017/01/8-january-keto-energy-bars.html Saying that I am sure I would have make an effort to restain myself from over indulging like I do with nuts and nut butters.

Pushed hard on the way home, well for the first half, second half was hard but slow. Little snack when I got home in preparation for my PT session. It's been a while since I had one, so did a more general work out but I think walking might be hard tomorrow, a day off the bike is due.

Monday 9 January 2017

Day 14, Tube strike & rain

Thomasina was in our bed again last night so again tired and massively short on sleep. Dragged myself out of bed and onto the bike. I have never seen traffic like it, huge road work holes and a tube strike, total grid lock at 06.30.

Glucose:  4.5
Ketone:    3.4
Breakfast: Broth & butter
Lunch:      Home made naked burrito, cheese, guacamole & slaw
Dinner:     Moussaka, cheese, broccoli with butter, garlic and almonds
Ride:        40 km commute, only salt & water

Way home was very wet, but my lower back has been hurting on my commute, checked my saddle it had slipped back 15mm, so hopefully will be better tomorrow. Rides were alright, I was not the slowest on the road, little steps.

Sunday 8 January 2017

Day 13, hypoglycaemic!

Woke up before the girls and thought I would go out on the bike before Lucy goes for her run. I felt pretty good, again really not hungry. Despite forcing myself to eat last night my blood glucose is apparently hypoglycaemic this morning.

Glucose 3.7
Ketone   3.9

Post ride (not going to keep retesting after my ride)
Glucose  3.3
Ketone    5.8

Breakfast: Broth and butter, post ride
Lunch:      Pork belly, peas, cabbage, cream leeks, cauliflower cheese, vodka soda, glass of wine, Italian coffee with amaretto
Dinner:    Yoghurt, MCT, almond and peanut butter

From the NHS website: The symptoms of hypoglycaemia usually begin when your blood glucose level drops below four millimoles (mmol) per litre.
Symptoms can vary from person to person, and it's important to be aware of the early warning signs so you can treat them.
Signs and symptoms of hypoglycaemia can include:
  • feeling hungry
  • sweating
  • dizziness
  • tiredness (fatigue)
  • blurred vision
  • trembling or shakiness
  • going pale
  • fast pulse or palpitations
  • tingling lips
  • irritability
  • difficulty concentrating
  • confusion
  • disorderly or irrational behaviour, which may be mistaken for drunkenness
If hypoglycaemia isn't treated promptly and your blood glucose levels drop low enough, you may become drowsy or even lose consciousness.

On some of my earlier rides, that I have written about in earlier blogs, I certainly experienced many of those symptoms when my glucose fell. On those rides I was not fully fat adapted and had low ketone levels.  When you are fully fat adapted and ketogenic your blood sugar becomes significantly less relevant.

There was an experiment in the 1950's where they took a person/persons (not sure) who they made fast for a significant time so they were completely fat adapted and ketogenic. Over time they administered insulin to drive their blood sugar lower and lower. They pushed it to incredibly low levels where medically a "normal" non fat adapted person would have shown all the symptoms above, lost consciousness and ultimately died. The fasted ketogenic subject was absolutely fine and said they could function normally. I can't remember the exact scientific details so will post the link to the paper when I can find it. It is referenced in "the art and science of low carb performance" but I can't find my book.

So with the above in mind I set off for a ride, with just some salt and a pint of water. I felt pretty good, especially considering my 3 hour ride yesterday, I pushed much harder in the first 30 minutes. I did get a mild headache after that, so I backed off and maintained a more sustainable pace for a further hour. The headache passed almost as soon as I backed off. Glad I pushed my self out of bed and I felt I have earned the pub lunch today.

Had a great time at the pub with a lovely meal, couldn't even finish my portion! Pork belly is a great filler. Lunch was very filling so just a light night in the evening as really not hungry.

Saturday 7 January 2017

Day 12, It started with a glimmer of hope and an elevated Heart Rate

I woke at 03.00 and couldn't get back to sleep, got up at 4.15 as I thought it would be better to watch TV. I am a bit stressed at the moment. As it got light I could see it was wet and murky outside. With the combination of feeling very tired and my recent painful, heavy legged, grinding out every turn of the pedals rides, I did not fancy venturing out. I am sure I could feel a cold or my leg had fallen off, whatever, going out was definitely not a good idea. Lucy kicked me up the arse told me to go and that I always feel better after.

Ketone: 2.3 (07.30)
Ketone: 3.3 (10.00 after breakfast, before ride)
Ketone: 5.5 (post ride)

Breakfast: Broth, butter, MCT (07.30)
Lunch:      Moussaka, cauliflower mash, cheddar
Afternoon:Glass of wine
Dinner:      Chicken, courgette, broccoli, cashew, garlic, chilli, coconut butter stir fry
Ride:          Pre salt & water, during water, post salt & water

I headed out, 3 hours forget that, an hour is better than nothing. First 20 minutes, my legs felt light, smooth, it wasn't a grind. My heart rate rose, then pushing up a little rise it rose further to 164, that is my high carb threshold. I was not puffing or working hard, another dig and I was having to try much harder 174.

Ketogenic heart rate- Over the years I could see that my heart rate was more elevated when in ketosis. At the beginning when glycogen and ketones are low I found I could either not elevate my HR or it would be near threshold but with no power. I think the former problem, as previously mentioned, is due to a lack of salt/water loading. The latter I think is the body just screaming with no fuel. When the adaptation strengthens the power starts to come back. I also noticed a higher resting HR.

I could find little or not info on these phenomenon and it was only last year when I had mastered my salt in take did I have the confidence to push through my old high carb HR threshold. I found that my keto threshold was 8-9 beats higher (172 rather than 164). More interestingly I could hold a HR of 169-170 only a couple of beats bellow my threshold for a considerable time. In the Marmotte I wracked up 5.25 hours in the 162-172 range.

I slowly found a few other people who were experimenting on themselves reporting the same. This year on dietdoctor there is quite a few presentations covering these matter as the research has caught up. They have also reported an elevated resting HR but with a lower HRV, a discussion for another time.

So after the first 20 mins of my ride I was really encouraged, my power was still massively down, but my legs felt good and I was enjoying my ride. Lets go back to plan A,  go for 3 hours and see how it works out. I had broth and butter, 2 hours before the ride, then a pint of water & salt before I left, I only drank water on the bike. Saying that at the moment I keep forgetting to drink. I wasn't hungry I felt pretty good and my form held for most of the ride, just the last 20 mins was a bit harder. Lucy was right I did indeed feel batter. I am very happy a good step forward, I have the confidence to go out and train again.

Ride 27.12.16 Av HR 137 Av Watts 160 (first day, not depleted)
Ride 07.01.17 Av HR 154 Av Watts 167

My only issue was when I came back I was pretty hungry but when I tried to eat I experienced stomach cramps which was annoying.

The girls haD a party this morning and then a second this afternoon, they had a lovely time but unfortunately poor Thomasina redecorated the inside of the car literally as we pulled up to the front door.
I had to forced myself to eat this evening, I had zero appetite but I needed to refuel my ride effort and I might try and get out again tomorrow.

Friday 6 January 2017

Day 11 Where is the Keto Rollercoaster?

Boom, a bit tired but feeling good this morning. Tested my boods, my glucose has been really stable in the 4.3-4.8 range but my ketones... well I had broth for dinner last night and a couple of bits Iberico Ham (not logged). Presumably the evening fast is more evident on my morning ketones 3.9!

Glucose 4.7
Ketone 3.9
1/2 tsp salt & pint of water, morning and night also magnesium supplement (forgot to mention this)
Breakfast Broth
Lunch      Homemade pulled pork, slaw, guacamole (early lunch 11.00 was hungry)
Dinner     LC moussaka with cauliflower mash and cheddar on top, really good.

Quiet day today, cycled home 1.30, still hard 2-3 gears down (60watts ish) and a bit cold.

Part of the reason I wanted to write this blog was to share the highs and lows of getting into ketosis, the challenges, the cravings, the days where you don't feel good. Likewise I want to share the same with respect to adapting and training in this state.

So far I am a little disappointed I have not managed much training in the last 10 days, this will increase in the following weeks. As for getting into ketosis I can not believe how simple it has been this time.

My first, much less educated, attempt at this was back in 2003 with Dr Atkins. Like most who got involved my lack of understanding lead me to a high protein diet where I was constantly craving carbs, trying to fit zero sugar, high sweetener sweets and chocolate into my 20g a day with not enough fat and very little veg.

After some great success with losing weight on intermittent fasting I then found the LCHF bible "The Art and Science of Low Carb Performance", I tried LCHF/Keto again. Often when I have tried to get into ketosis it has taken over a week to get to 0.70 and 2 weeks to get above 1.50. I have also found it hard to maintain these levels with them dipping and edging back up again. I would get stable, loose weight over a few months but really struggle with my cycling. This would cause me to go back to carbs and put the weight back on etc etc. The more I have reread the book and educated myself elsewhere the better the results have been and last year I felt I had really cracked it.

I believe that when you have only mild ketosis you are far more likely to have cravings as your body does not have all the energy it needs. This can be caused by having a poor ketogenic diet. The excess meat/protein is metabolised into glucose, which can reduce ketosis. Not eating enough vegetables does not satisfy the body's nutrient requirement, which can also trigger hunger and cravings. I also believe the nutrients from broth have also been satisfying my body's requirements.

So it appears my refined method has sped up my adaptation process significantly. With exception of new year's eve I have been really focused, no cheats, fake cheats just good food, I have experienced no keto rollercoaster and very very little cravings. I am going to step my training up next week so let's see what effect that has.

Easy steps:  Using the zingy acronym BEFFV (clearly I just made that up)

Broth:           More nutrients and fasting aid
Electrolytes: Salt & water morning and night + magnesium supplement
Fat:               Add butter, oils, cheese you need to eat fat
Fast:             Full fasts or intermittent fasting (can be as simple as only eating when hungry I often miss meals)
Vegetables:    Eat veg with every meal if you can

Aiming for a 3 hour easy ride tomorrow, well as easy as it can be at the moment. No point in riding with any one at the moment I can't hold 200 watts.

Thursday 5 January 2017

Day 10, Sleep & food helps

I did not feel well last night and I almost felt like I was hungover this morning, which is unlikely on a couple of drinks. I am not sure if I was just over tired or my food was not too good. I felt a bit better this morning but I did not feel up to my planned 3 hour ride.

Glucose 4.3
Ketone 2.4

Breakfast Chicken, cauliflower mash, butter and seeds
Lunch      LC moussaka
Dinner     Broth

I know I have had been considerably restricting my calories, I genuinely have not been that hungry. It has been a great feeling however I expect trying to ride in this state too often is too taxing. I decide to eat well for breakfast and see if I feel like a shorter ride to work later (starting work 13.30).

Chicken, cauliflower mash, butter and seeds, obviously, just a standard breakfast. I do a few things round the house and then a proper wash of my road bike. It is a lovely sunny day but -1 degC when I start, then the sun rises above the roof tops and 10 degC when it was clean. I feel much better in myself, less tired more motivated and like the idea of cycling to work.

A lap of Richmond park, feeling pretty cold in the shade, then the 20k to work. I had left my garmin and my commute bike at work, so for the first time in ages I was riding with no cadence, speed, power, HR, it was really nice just to have a clear mind and a better look at nature.

The ride was way better that yesterday's commute, don't get me wrong, I was not quick, far from it but I enjoyed it and was not having to grind it out. Maybe this food stuff helps! On that note my rucksack was also at work, so I only managed to put a tupperware protected portion of my LC moussaka in my pocket for lunch or dinner. That quickly turned into lunch, I was once again hungry. However when it was time for my colleagues to leave at 17.00 I did not feel the need to go out and buy any dinner for the 5 hours I had remaining.

My van was also at work (2 bikes & a van!) so I put one of the bikes in the van and drove home, I will ride the other home tomorrow. Cheeky cup of broth and off to bed.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Day 9, Very tired

05.30 I am cold, tired and really don't fancy the hour on the bike to work. Man up, wear the right kit its 5degC not that cold. Not slept well last couple on nights, maybe it's been watching "The Fall" before bed. I know I am behind the curve but it's still good.

Glucose 4.5
Ketone  2.2

A week in, can it really be that hard? Maybe I am not eating enough? Do you think? Well for exercise probably not. Just pottering about I have felt really good, but this commute was a struggle. Not sure how long it took me as I forgot to start my Garmin. However long it was it was all tough particularly mentally.

Had my broth for breakfast but I was mega hungry so I ate my home made pork, slaw and guacamole buy 09.30. Felt good untill the afternoon, about 15.00 I felt massively tired and pretty hungry. Unfortunately I had a work dinner appointment so could not head home.

Vodka soda is growing on me, really refreshing. Glass of wine and a curry, tried to order sensibly some chicken, spinach and mushrooms.

Heading home, eyes dry, really tired want my bed, bike left at work.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Day 8, Amazing change so far

1 week in, I feel good, the foggy cloud has lifted, I have more energy and feel more positive. I am so glad I am not facing that first day of work after new year, like many people are, with the thought of dieting, abstinence, hunger and no fun.

I am totally amazed at the results I have had in the first week, I have still socialised, eaten out, drunk, enjoyed myself and not been hungry. I have gone ketogenic many times before but this has been my easiest adaptation and the best first week results.

Day 8 metrics
Weight                      80.6kg (-4kg)
Body fat                    21.3% (-2.8%)
Waking blood sugar 4.8mmol/L (In healthy range 4-6)
Waking ketones        2.3mmol/L (In dietary ketosis 1-3)
Chest                        106cm (-5cm)
Waist                         94cm (-3cm)
Hip                           102cm (-5cm)
Belt                           96cm (-2cm)

I have consumed a lot of bone broth this week, this can be made at home but it is also possible to buy it online. It is not cheap but as a meal replacement and supplement for the first week I think it is worth it. I expect I will reduce my consumption to a cup a day going forward, for example today I only had one cup (about £4, same price as a pint) but then I only ate again in the evening. Last year I made all my own broth, it is just very time consuming and does not smell great.


Today I had a really lovely day looking after the girls, I had broth for breakfast then we headed out. They wanted pizza for lunch so I abstained from eating, I was a bit hungry but ok. I made low carb moussaka and also some pulled pork to have as lunched and dinners during the week.

With no chance to ride I did a 20 min weight session, I hate weights. After that I ate a small portion of moussaka, a small chicken salad and some yogurt MCT & almond butter, it was good.

Monday 2 January 2017

Day 7, 1st weeks food summary

So it's been almost a week, I am feeling good and my blood sugar and ketones are good.

Glucose 4.6
Ketone 2.9

I have only been at work a couple of days since I started. I don't want to talk about the stresses of work in my blog but that said mostly being at home has made it much easier to stay motivated and focus on the challenge of getting into ketosis.

I rode back from work this afternoon, I was going to tag on a few laps of the park but it was pretty much a car park so I headed home. I am more comfortable on the bike but I still have a long way to go on that front.

I am always asked what I eat, and I too have previously spent time trying to find what others eat going into or in ketosis.

In one of my previous post I mentioned to control protein, eat fibre and increase salt. I have had many attempts getting into and staying in ketosis with mixed results. I have found I can actually eat quite a lot of vegetables but I really must watch my protein. The last week has included a few days where I have been going out and also drinking so I would say this is a typical week.  I have also found that broth or broth with a knob of butter is really satisfying and nourishing and make fasting or missing a meal much easier. This for me has a really powerful effect of increasing my ketone levels.

Day 1 G-6.5 K-0.0
Breakfast broth
Lunch broth
Dinner broth
3.5 hour morning ride water only

Day 2 G-4.6 K-1.7
Breakfast broth
Lunch sausage, cheese and bacon bites, chicken, green beans, large glass of wine
Dinner broth, 2 large vodka soda

Day 3 G-4.3 K-1.2
Breakfast broth
Lunch broth & butter, sausage, naked wrap (hot salad with guacamole), spoon of almond butter
Dinner naked wrap, 2nd dinner bacon cheese burger in lettuce wrap
2.5 hours ride with ketone salts, almond butter

Day 4 G-4.8 K-1.8
Breakfast broth & butter
Lunch courgette, broccoli, cauliflower fried in butter on bed of rocket with cheese and chorizo
Dinner cauliflower mash (butter and cream cheese) with chicken, cheese and seeds, spoon of almond butter
1 hour ride (commute)

Day 5 G-4.3 K-2.6
Breakfast broth & butter
Lunch chicken wings, beef & pork ribs and coleslaw, vodka soda
Dinner broth, probably a couple of bottles of champagne (from 2 till midnight)
No exercise

Day 6 G-3.6 K-0.6
Breakfast water & ketone salts (before ride)
Lunch broth, bacon cheese burger lettuce wrap
Dinner broth, a few cocktail sausages and bacon cheese bites
1 hour ride with ketone salts

Day 7 G-4.6 K-2.9
Breakfast broth, a few cocktail sausages and bacon cheese bites
Lunch courgette, broccoli, fried in butter on bed of spinach with cheese and chicken, greek youghurt, MCT oil and almond butter
Dinner broth & butter
1 hour ride (commute)

Sunday 1 January 2017

Day 6 Welcome 2017, Happy to be on it.

I could hear the rain on our windows, I looked at the time on my phone, 6.55. Thankfully JamesS had text me to cancel our ride. I think under our alcoholic influence we still thought we would make it out before the girls did park run. A couple of hours later the girls bailed too so I decided to go for a little ride.

Glucose 3.6
Ketone 0.6

We had had a good evening but the alcohol, as expected, had affected my bloods. I was not too hungover but still pretty tired so just a cheeky hour. With my bloods low I tried the powder ketone salts in a pint of water along with some salt. They did not taste as bad as the liquid, I think they did help with energy but they made me feel sick which is not great.

Steady hour was fine, nothing spectacular, I am feeling more comfortable on the bike and glad I got out.

Had a lovely day with the family in town including one of my favourites a 5 Guys (lettuce wrap). Really wanted a beer and some of Lucy's milk shake, I stayed strong. I have really notice my lack of hunger which is a really positive feeling.

I am really glad I started almost a week ago. Over the last few months I a struggled to reset my carb intake. I have either used up coming social events as an excuse to not start as "I can't enjoy myself being restricted". Or I have made it through the first 5 days, which is the hardest and requires the most motivation, only to have a few beers and the weekend and back to square one.

This time I made my mind up, I knew I had to go out but I just took a different approach. I tried to be more mindful about what I drank, ate and when I exercised. The fact is I have still drunk, eaten out, socialised and enjoyed myself. I have managed to do this while adapting, losing weight, less hungry and more positive.

Lets hope I can carry this momentum through of the rest of the year.